Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



Address: 1-A Vsa Complex Pallava Network , Neyveli main road , Spa silks opposite , Vadalur, Cuddalore-607303

+91 9787255559

Home Page

// Functional, Usability & Performance


We transform businesses of most major sectors with powerful and adaptable digital solutions that satisfy the needs of today.

video showcase
// We transform businesses

For Over 15 Years.
For Millions of Users

The development of reliable and scalable software solutions for any OS, browser and device. We bring together deep industry expertise and the latest IT advancements to deliver custom solutions and products that perfectly fit the needs and behavior of their users.


We outsource app development & website development to Premier Digital Marketer (OPC) Private Limited




We have our various software products which solves the customer need & expectation


Custom Software

Custom Software

Extended and Qualified product designer who have 10+ years of experience.


Product Design

Product Design
// About Company

We Are A Creative Agency That Establishes Direction Through Our Business

Asolarz generates game-changing initiatives for future organic life adoption. Professionals analyze their ideas in real-world scenarios, producing results that could unlock tomorrow’s organic product and live organic. We have invested in tech-enabled platforms and brands across Technology Products, Lateral Platforms and Products. We have a dedicated and driven group of decision-makers who often drive our strategy and business missions but also help to inspire our global team to think big about  life ecosystems. As a company with a self-managed organizational structure, we encourage employees to identify and propose opportunities within the organization. At its most basic, self-management entails knowing exactly what you are legally liable for and possessing the ability to meet those expectations however you see fit.

// technology index

Improve and Innovate with the Tech Trends

Our team can assist you in transforming your business through latest tech capabilities to stay ahead of the curve.

// We Carry more Than Just Good Coding Skills

Let's Build Your Website!

// latest case studies

Introduce Our Projects

We’ve exceled our experience in a wide range of industries to bring valuable insights and provide our customers.

Active Clients
projects done
team advisors
Glorious Years

Business Industries
What We Serve

Gaming & Enterteinment
Gaming & Enterteinment
Have a great game ready to publish? We can help you to reach globally! Enjoy gaming & join us for developing a wonderful game which suits all devices.
Information Technology
Information Technology
Leading the way in innovation for over 10+ years, we build greater futures for businesses across multiple industries and 131 countries.
Retail & Distribution
Retail & Distribution
A combination of world-class fulfilment centres and powerful AI technology, ensures fast, accurate and intelligent fulfilment.
Business & Finance
Business & Finance
Business finance is required for purchasing assets, goods, raw materials and for performing all other economic activities.

// Drop us a line! We are here to answer your questions 24/7